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Key Considerations for Life Sciences Professionals When Switching Jobs

Posted on October 2023

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​Transitioning to a new job is a momentous decision for any life sciences professional, and requires careful thought and examination of many factors that can impact your long-term career trajectory. In this article, EPM Scientific delves into the critical points that life sciences professionals should consider before making the leap to a new job.

Alignment with knowledge

One of the most integral aspects to think about is how well a prospective role aligns with your specific field of expertise or research focus. Evaluate whether the new position will enable you to contribute to cutting-edge research, or if it diverges significantly from your current scientific interests or niche.

Regulatory compliance

In the life sciences industry, adherence to regulatory standards is paramount. Assess whether the new organization maintains a robust track record of compliance with industry-specific regulations where possible, as legal issues can significantly impact your future career and reputation.

Clinical trial involvement

For professionals engaged in clinical research or trials, it's vital to examine the organization's portfolio of ongoing or planned clinical trials. Understanding the scope, scale, and potential impact of these trials can help you gauge the depth of your involvement and the potential for career growth.

Intellectual property and patents

In biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, intellectual property is often the lifeblood of a company. Investigate the organization's history of patent filings and success in protecting its innovations, as this can be indicative of a company's commitment to scientific excellence and long-term stability.

Collaborative research opportunities

Assess the potential for collaboration and interdisciplinary research within your new job. Cross-disciplinary work can open doors to diverse scientific perspectives, building on your experience while growing your professional network, which may also lead to new career opportunities in the future.

Funding and resources

Examine the company's financial stability and available research and development resources for any new role you are considering, as adequate funding is essential for advancing scientific projects and ensuring job security.

Ethical considerations

Life sciences professionals may encounter ethical dilemmas in their work, such as those related to patient privacy, animal testing, or genetic engineering, so it’s worth taking the time to reflect now on whether a company’s ethical stance aligns with your own principles and values.

Job security and growth

Finally, evaluate the long-term job security and career potential offered by the new position. Consider factors like market demand for your expertise, the organization's history of growth, opportunities for professional development, and the company’s strategic vision for the future.

In conclusion, while changing roles in life sciences offers exciting new opportunities, it’s important to consider every aspect before pursuing a new role. Think about your long-term goals, the skills and knowledge you want to build upon, and the resources, reputation, and security of the company you want to work for.

EPM Scientific can help you make an informed decision that not only advances your career but also contributes to the advancement of science in your chosen field .If you're unsure about your next move in life sciences reach out to EPM Scientific for expert career guidance.

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